Dokiel customization

What is customization?

Nous vous accompagnons dans l'analyse de vos pratiques afin de définir ensemble les évolutions nécessaires. Nous adaptons ensuite Dokiel à vos besoins et vous accompagnons dans son déploiement et sa maintenance.

For Dokiel to respond to your professional context, adaptations are often necessary:

  • corporate style guide (skin)

  • integration into the information system (connection to the LDAP directory, XML export, call of existing services, etc.)

  • document structure adjustments,...

We accompany you in the analysis of your practices in order to jointly define the useful changes. We then adapt Dokiel to your needs and support you in its deployment and maintenance.

Why choose Kelis?

  • Kelis is responsible for the design and technical maintenance of Dokiel: we know it well and are able to advise you.

  • Our team brings together the necessary skills: project management, document engineering, modeling, graphic design.

  • We have implemented monitoring tools and methods to facilitate this type of project.

A virtuous circle

Kelis team improves the Scenari software code daily and updates Dokiel frequently. By relying on this solution, you benefit directly from these improvements without any additional cost. By developing usage and participating in developments, you contribute to the continuous improvement of the publishing chain for the benefit of all.

Different services can be mobilized for your project:

  • Requirements specifications

    We support you in the analysis of your practices, your documentary corpuses and your organizational processes, in order to define the necessary developments.

  • Graphic customization

    Our graphic and UX designers offer you graphic universes, inspired by your style guide. We create the graphic objects that we integrate into the editorial chain.

  • Adaptation of the publishing chain by derivation

    The adaptations concern tags, document ergonomics, the collaborative model... We use a derivation technique: you continue to benefit from the evolutions in the reference publishing chain.

  • Deployment support

    From the installation of servers to advice on organizing the content, we support you in the deployment of the editorial chain.

  • Trainings

    Author, graphic designer, technical administrator... we ensure, at your request, the transfer of skills necessary for your teams.

  • Hosting and server administration

    Let us install, monitor, update and host your Scenari server.

  • Maintenance contract

    When the editorial chain is put into production, this contract guarantees that anomalies will be corrected, while respecting your production constraints, without being dependent on the release schedules of the official version of the open source editorial chain.

    We develop this contract with you, tailor-made, integrating the support services you need.