
Dokiel, an open source application

Scenari and Dokiel's source code is open. It is available under the four open source licenses listed below. Hence, each organization and user can choose the one suiting their use, without limitations, neither community nor commercial.

MPL 2.0

GPL 3.0

LGPL 3.0

CeCILL 2.1

An open code source, which interests?

  • No recurrent license cost: the investments are dedicated to the approval and adjustment of the software for everyone's need.

  • Use of open solutions, resulting from the reflections and designs of actors who are specialists in their profession.

  • Benefit from regular upgrades of Dokiel and the Scenari software suite.

  • Be able to derive these solutions depending on your needs.

  • Have access to all of the source code of Dokiel and Scenari software suite in order to distribute, replicate, control, modify it.

Find the sources, the applications and the documentation on

Hosting service

Scenari Online, a professional turnkey solution

We created a turnkey solution offering a writing environment and a public distribution portal at the same time.

Learn more...


Writing and distributing servers

Pre-built servers are available:

  • SCENARIchain-serverLite is a simple server allowing to centralize the contents produced.

  • SCENARIchain-server brings advanced features of document management, production organization and collaboration.

  • SCENARIsuite-starter is a collaborative structured writing and publishing server, coupled with a documents distribution depot.

You will find the applications as well as the technical documentation on

Install Dokiel's pack on the chosen server.

We can assist you: ask for our help with the needed services in order to go through your implementation or entrust us with the installation and outsourcing.

Desktop application

Dokiel is also available as an autonomous desktop application: in this case, contents are stored on the local hard drive.

This application is relevant for offline use and when collaborative writing is not required.


Download Dokiel's desktop application.

Warning: limited features

In local mode, a writer does not have access to a certain amount of content management features (trash, modifications history, versions, localization, for instance).