Content fragmentation

Fragments of content can be reused in several documentations (a getting started, a more advanced documentation, a training module...), by creating links (without duplications):

By creating your content as fragments, you can reuse and recombine it! And by doing it, you optimize the time you need to update your documents (information is only updated once, at one place) and ensure the higher consistency of the information through all of your documentations (since a single source of information is spread everywhere).

Why go from a monolithic document to a network of fragments?

Splitting your content into fragments has the advantage to:

  • increase the value of your contents library: easily recombine fragments in order to create new documents adapted to a specific context,

  • make the information reliable: it is thus identical on all your documentations and training materials,

  • optimize the update time: the information is updated only once and passed on to all the documents.

Create a fragment

Dokiel offers a typology of fragments based on technical and software documentation requirements: concept, procedure, screen – described images –, synoptic tree.

Some fragments may be imposed to guide the structuring of the content and ensure the writing comfort (section of a user guide, for instance).

Structure a posteriori: turn a section of content into a fragment

In many cases, content fragmentation can be done a posteriori. It is not necessary to reflect and define in advance the fragments to be created for reuse.

Write, following the writing guide, then decide.

Reuse a fragment

Reference a fragment in another document (without duplicating content).

Compare two versions of a fragment or two fragments with each other

Comparison example

The comparison feature highlights the difference between a content fragment and:

  • one of its entry in the history,

  • the modifications in progress, before they are saved,

  • another fragment with the same document structure.

It also allows you to undo changes and revert to the original version.

Sort the fragments in the explorer in spaces and sub-spaces

Move a fragment in the explorer

Moving preserves the links with the others fragments.

Bookmark your favorite fragments

Rename a fragment

Duplicate a fragment

Export fragments

In order to exchange content, export a fragment with (or without) all the linked fragments.

Select several fragments

Display the plan

The Titles levels view enables to display the fragment's plan and to re-organize the various parts by drag and drop.

The Plan view enables to display the descendant network plan of the selected fragment.

Control the fragments network

At any time, the writer can display the network of fragments and thus control the impact of a modification on other fragments and documents.

Multi-tabs display

A fragment is displayed in a tab.

Some features make it possible to handle these tabs: simultaneous opening of several tabs, replication of a tab, frozen tabs, closing, etc.

Trash: delete and restore fragments

In the client-server version, a trash is used to ensure the feature of deleting and restoring fragments.