Technical support

What is the technical support?

You wish to master your editorial and documentary solution: its adaptation, maintenance, deployment...

You define what you want to do yourself. We provide the necessary skills transfer for the level of mastery you want to achieve.

At your request, we provide the necessary additional services: assistance in defining the architecture of the solution, maintenance of the Scenari software core, development of functions, deployment assistance, etc.

Why choose Kelis?

  • You are in direct contact with the modellers and developers, who design the core of the Scenari solution, for any questions.

  • We offer a whole range of services: you mobilize those you need from a single provider.

  • We define a framework that meets your expectations: training, coaching, question-and-answer system, etc.

  • You can ask us for additional developments — necessary for your work — in Scenari's software core.

We support you at all stages of your project

Together we define the framework that best suits your needs:

  • Skills transfert

    We provide training and technical support for your employees.

  • Q&A system

    We offer you a set of questions and answers, which you can mobilize as needed, through a ticket tracking system, on any technical subject: server administration, modeling, technical architecture... We will answer you in writing or by telephone or web conference.

  • Development of functions

    As Scenari's editor, we can carry out advanced modeling, develop specific or generic functions in your version of Dokiel or in the core of the system, according to your needs.

  • Technical assistance and coaching

    You mobilize, face-to-face or remotely, support days: they make it possible to study your project, to co-create the editorial and documentary solution by integrating it into your information system.

  • Scenari corrective maintenance contract

    When your editorial and documentary solution goes into production, this contract ensures that anomalies in the Scenari software core are taken into account and that it is made available while respecting your production constraints, without being dependent on the release schedules of the official version of Scenari.