Media enrichment

Dokiel allows you to integrate multimedia resources and to create interactive images.

Include multimedia resources

Integrate images, diagrams, files and various multimedia resources:

  • by drag and drop,

  • by a direct link to a Scenari storage depot.

Insert resources by drag and drop

Descriptive metadata

The descriptive information is adapted to the type of resource (title, alternative for digital accessibility[1], etc.).

Alternatives for documents intended for printing

Add a textual alternative content to be published on static documents.

Resize an image with a simple slider

Whatever the original size of the image, a slider allows you to define its size.

Adding web fragments (HTML)

Enrich your web content with videos available on a sharing site, interactive maps, etc.

Libre Office files editing (optional)

Edit files in Libre Office directly from Scenari: a complex table with calculation, a diagram, etc.

Add office files

Link additional files to your content, such as PDF, that your readers can download.

Link a resource available on a Scenari depot

If you are using a Scenari depot to store resources, link these resources directly to your content, without duplication.

Make an interactive image

To clarify a diagram or a complex image, create an interactive image: easily define areas on this image and associate a description to each area.

Logical cut of the image

Define areas on the image: squares, circles, polygons, etc.

Description of each area

Example of image segment - Dokiel

Write information associated to the area: explanation, link to richer content, procedure, etc.

Examples of web and paper renderings

The image is published as an interactive image on the web.

And on a paper document? The image is cut again in order to publish it with a tabular form.

Web site example