Training material

Create pedagogic kits for your on-site and e-learning trainings:

  • for the trainers: slideshow, trainer's booklet,

  • for the attendees: configurable PDF booklet (with a margin for annotations? the quizzes solutions? etc.),

  • for the trainees: e-learning tutorial (web or Scorm), training module, evaluation.

Web slideshow

The video-projected slideshows are created in a web format and played by a web browser.

Viewing content using navigation controls to switch slides

Automatic slides resizing

Text centering

PDF booklets

Trainer's booklet

Intended for the trainer, the booklet integrates pedagogical instructions, extra information and solutions.

Configurable by the writer

Choose (or not) to publish the table of content, the glossary, the bibliography, etc.

Depending on your pedagogical objective, publish (or not) the solutions to the quizzes and extra information bits on the trainees booklet.

The booklet can be published in high or low resolution (whether you intend to publish it or read it on a screen).

You can choose to provide a margin for notes in the trainees booklet.

CSS support for PDF documents style guides

The PDF's skin is made using CSS.


Dokiel integrates an image processing library allowing resizing, cropping, etc.


Multiple pages template

Glossary and index, table of contents

Static alternatives to multimedia resources

LibreOffice resources (optionals)

LibreOffice resources are converted and embedded as images in paper documents.

Technical aspect

Dokiel uses Postscriptum library to build a single-page HTML site, then converted into PDF.

E-learning resource (SCORM)

Create online training resources: course modules, evaluations, tutorials,... in order to expand face-to-face sessions, to offer in-depth study, to evaluate prerequisites or knowledge, etc. These resources can be packaged in SCORM (1.2 et 2004) to be shared on LMS[1].

Make the most of your modules by publishing them as web resources

Publish an e-learning module straight from your on-site training module and share it on your intranet or learning management system.

Made available after the on-site training, this web module becomes a reference for the attendees. It can also be the source of reminders and in-depth study... without extending your work effort and updating time.

Create new tutorials

Create online tutorials: self-training modules, reminders or in-depth study modules to offer in addition to face-to-face sessions, online prerequisites or knowledge evaluations, etc.

Reuse fragment of content from your on-site training or technical documentation.

Scorm packaging

The web module can be published as Scorm 1.2 or 2004 in order to share it on your learning management system and to make the learners monitoring easier.

Information feedback to the platform

Monitoring indicators of the learners' progress are transmitted to the training platform: pages viewed, progress rate in the module, completeness, time spent.

The last page seen by the learner is also stored.

Quiz follow-up

The answers to the questions, the scores obtained, the achievement (according to the defined threshold) are transmitted to the platform.

Skins (style guides)

Dokiel - skin Titania

Create your own skin

You can modify a skin, and we can help you.

Use CSS for web and PDF outputs